On October 29, the Ministry of Public Security said the 7 wanted people include: Nguyen Thi Thu Suong and Dinh Van Thanh, both former chairmen of the Board of Directors of Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SCB);

Former SCB President Nguyen Thi Thu Suong and the wanted decision of the Ministry of Public Security.

On October 25, the above 7 people were prosecuted by the Police Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security (C03) for violating regulations on banking activities, other activities related to banking activities and asset embezzlement.

7 people were identified in connection with the Asset Embezzlement case;

C03 requires the defendants to `voluntarily surrender to enjoy leniency` and to ensure the right to defend themselves and present information related to the case.

Recently, prosecution agencies have prosecuted and tried in absentia many fugitive suspects, in which former AIC chairwoman Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan was given two sentences (30 and 10 years in prison), although still

Two former SCB bank presidents are wanted in the Van Thinh Phat case

Defendants Suong, Thanh, Vu, Ton, Ziang, George, Dung (from left to right, top to bottom).

The case related to Van Thinh Phat Group was investigated by C03 from October 7, 2022 with the first 4 people arrested being Ms. Truong My Lan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Van Thinh Phat Group Joint Stock Company;

All four people were investigated for fraudulent appropriation of property with allegations of fraud in issuing and buying and selling bonds to appropriate trillions of dong from people, in the period 2018-2019.

On March 28, C03 prosecuted Ms. Do Thi Nhan (former director of Bank Inspection and Supervision II under the State Bank) and 4 people from the interdisciplinary inspection team under the Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency.

According to the Ministry of Public Security, from 2018 to 2020, the suspects involved at Van Thinh Phat Group Joint Stock Company, An Dong Investment Group Joint Stock Company and a number of companies and organizations committed fraudulent acts,

Pham Du