Hillary Clinton while studying at Wellesley University.
At the US Democratic National Convention, many of Hillary Clinton’s college friends came to Philadelphia to witness the historic moment their friend became the representative candidate of the Democratic Party.
Mrs. Hillary began attending the school in 1965 and was elected student body president in 1968. Mrs. Wanderer and Clinton studied together for four years and graduated in 1969. Mrs. Wanderer is now 68 years old and is a professor emeritus of the field.
Ms. Wanderer said that right from her first years at Wellesley, Ms. Clinton was enthusiastic about political activities.
Wellesley’s motto is `Non Ministrari sed Ministrare`, which means `not to be led but to lead`.
The two women were then very close to five African-American students, who wanted to change the perspective of the admissions office as well as Wellesley’s leadership about allowing more minority students to live in the dorms.
Ms. Wanderer said Hillary is known as a very serious person, not in a humorless way, but as someone who doesn’t go to school to party and drink a lot of alcohol.
Hillary Clinton speaks at the US Republican convention: Photo: Reuters
In the context of the escalating Vietnam War, 1968 was a year of turmoil and even violence at American universities.
At Wellesley, Mrs. Clinton wanted to respond to complaints from students regarding social restrictions, or too many required courses.
`That’s typical of Hillary: she won’t complain about something, but instead will work to change it,` said the former classmate.
`She is the type of person who would lead a march or a protest, give speeches and exhort people to speak up. She is a constructive leader, not a destructive leader.
When asked how Mrs. Clinton’s personality had changed since she became the wife of the governor of Arkansas in 1979, Mrs. Wanderer said: `Up until Arkansas, everything was going well. She was
`I believe that to help Bill’s career, she dyed her hair blonde, she also lost weight, wore contact lenses, and dressed more femininely than before.`
`When she entered the White House in 1993, I think she still wanted to be herself. She was put in charge of health care and seemed to go back to being the old Hillary I knew. She had a job to do,`
`But then people criticized her again. They constantly attacked both husband and wife. That’s when she started to close herself and be cautious in the face of gossip.`
`I believe that is Hillary’s biggest problem. She is afraid to open up and speak honestly, because she perceives that her words will be twisted and turned against her. Therefore, her first instinct is to
See also: The sour relationship between Putin and Hillary Clinton
The marriage of two political machines Obama – Clinton