This South Asian country has become one of the hottest mobile phone markets in the world.

Experts estimate that India currently has 300 million smartphone users and this number could increase by 50% in the next few years.

One billion Indians don’t have smartphones yet.

According to data from technology consulting firm Counterpoint Research, India has 650 million people using mobile phones but only more than 300 million people own smartphones.

This means that India still has about a billion people who do not own a smartphone.

“India is a very good growth market.

According to a recent study by Counterpoint, around 433 million Indians are planning to upgrade their phones next year.

India - a 'lucrative' market for phone companies

India is the world’s leading potential smartphone market.

More than 66% of people in India still do not have access to the internet.

A year ago, India’s richest man – Mukesh Ambani – caused a price war by giving away free 6-month 4G subscriptions to his company – Reliance Jio.

India has dozens of languages.

Mr. Srivastava said: `One of the main reasons why smartphones are not popular in rural areas or small cities is that most are in English.

However, Indian companies like Indus OS are creating systems that run Indian languages.

India has more than 100 smartphone brands with diverse prices.

The iPhone is currently too expensive for most Indians.

Meanwhile, Chinese phone companies account for more than 50% of the market share and have made major breakthroughs in the past year.