Below are shares of surprises from international visitors who have visited the United States, compiled by Bored Panda.

`Scale and vastness were the first two words that came to my mind when I came here. I’m used to nature being small, but everything in America is bigger – bigger storms, bigger mountains, bigger horizons

Americans can even go from summer to winter or vice versa on the same day.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

Many people think that this is a country of maximum modernization, with skyscrapers.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

The food portions here are also very large, if not gigantic.

`I’ve seen a lot of giant chocolate candies priced at 1 USD,` a British tourist shared.

`As a Dutchman, I have to admit that the food portion in the restaurants here is very large. But what surprised me was that people asked to pack leftover food to take home. In the Netherlands, if we do this, we will

10 things in America that may shock tourists

`I really like the energy that most people radiate. If I were introduced to people from different countries, I could tell you who is American even blindfolded. Because they are

`They have naive optimism. Even when people are disappointed with the path America is taking, they still seem to have hope in an American ideal to strive toward,` another tourist said.

However, many other tourists say that for introverts, this friendliness will make them feel scared.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

Many people can sit all day on the sidewalk with giant signs in their hands.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

Strangely enough, many Americans wear shoes indoors.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

Americans are very patriotic, and they have a sense of national pride, according to a German tourist who came here and worked at a summer camp for children.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

`In many countries, including mine, failure in business will make you viewed so negatively that most people would never dare to take risks. But not in America. Failure

10 things in America that may shock tourists

`When I was young, my mother took me to Florida to visit a museum. There, they asked people not to bring guns. I was very shocked and my mother explained that here people are allowed to own guns.

`The first time I traveled and stopped by a restaurant. What shocked me most was that most of the diners here carried guns with them,` another person recounted.

10 things in America that may shock tourists

Rude American police are comments from a few tourists.

But others have rejected this view and said that it may be due to the above guest’s behavior and speech.