Tasmania is an island state of Australia, 240 km south of the continent, between Victoria and Antarctica.

The story asks to withdraw Australia's world heritage status

Because of the wild and primitive beauty of the vast forests, more than 1/3 of Tasmania is located in nature reserves, national parks and world heritage sites.

The story asks to withdraw Australia's world heritage status

To be recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage, a place must meet at least one of 10 UNESCO criteria related to culture and nature.

The story asks to withdraw Australia's world heritage status

“Many people may have never heard of Tasmania because it is located in a remote location, even Australians themselves forget the existence of this island.

The story asks to withdraw Australia's world heritage status

However, Tasmania seems to be rejected by the Australian government.

The story asks to withdraw Australia's world heritage status

The Australian government affirms that the above 74,000 hectares of forest have been seriously degraded due to previous logging and now need to be opened to develop a promising potential logging industry.

According to conservationists, the exploitation of Tasmania’s primary forests is unacceptable and will create a bad precedent in the future.

Many tourists agree with UNESCO’s decision.

In addition to visiting the primeval forest, visitors can participate in boating or surfing activities.

See more: China spent 1 billion USD ‘imitating’ Austrian heritage