Biden: Nothing can extinguish the fire of American democracy

Biden spoke to all Americans after the electoral vote.

`Vice President-elect Harris and I together won 306 electoral votes,` President-elect Joe Biden said in a televised speech on the evening of December 14 (morning of December 15, Hanoi time) after

Biden said he won with a margin equivalent to President Donald Trump in 2016. `Trump called it an overwhelming victory,` he added.

The speech also criticized President Trump’s legal efforts to overturn the election results.

He also emphasized the dedication to work of election officials amid the Covid-19 pandemic and a series of criticism from Trump supporters.

`In the battle for the soul of America, democracy has prevailed. The people have voted. Faith in government remains. The integrity of the election remains intact. And now it’s time to turn the page

Biden: Election results are the 'heart echo' of Americans

Biden spoke before America on the evening of December 14.

Biden also mentioned the 17 state attorneys general and 126 House Republicans who signed the lawsuit that the Texas Attorney General tried to file with the Supreme Court to block votes in four states that Biden won including Georgia,

`That is an extreme viewpoint that we have never seen. An attempt to refuse to respect the will of the people, to refuse to respect the rule of law and the Constitution. Now is the time for unification. There are many urgent tasks ahead.

The US President-elect also talked about the challenges his country and administration face in the coming term.

`In the immediate future, we all need to urgently handle one thing. That is to control the pandemic so that everyone can be vaccinated. Provide economic support immediately because many Americans are seriously affected. Then

Before ending his speech, Biden sent condolences to families who lost loved ones to Covid-19.

The four electors of Hawaii state on the afternoon of December 14 (morning of December 15, Hanoi time) were the last people to vote directly to elect the US president, ending the election process stipulated in the country’s Constitution.

According to the process that the US has put in place since the first election in 1789, the electoral college vote is the official moment Biden becomes the 46th president-elect of the US.

The electoral college vote is also a major blow to Trump’s efforts to overturn the US election results, because it will nullify any legal challenges to the election results.

At 1 p.m. on January 6, the Senate President will chair a plenary congressional session to read out the electoral vote certificates of each state, in alphabetical order.