Hoa Lo Prison, Hanoi, Vietnam

This is a structure built by the French in 1896 to detain Vietnamese political prisoners.

American POW pilots sarcastically called Hoa Lo prison `Hilton Hanoi`.

Among the American prisoners of war present here, the most famous was the pilot who later became a very influential US congressman John McCain.

Museum of Death in Bangkok, Thailand

The museum stores many human remains and bones to serve the study and research of students as well as forensic experts.

Hoa Lo is in the top 5 scariest tourist destinations in Southeast Asia

Si Quey’s mummy.

This museum houses the mummy of Si Quey, a famous serial killer in the 50s of last century.

On the outside of the glass cabinets displaying babies through their stages, there are often a few candies or pieces of toys left by guests wishing to escape their souls.

Choeung Ek Killing Fields, Cambodia

This is the place of execution and burial of the dead and murdered during the rule of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.

Currently, this place is preserved and has become a tourist area, with instructional tapes, seats, and rest rooms and souvenir stalls built.

Hoa Lo is in the top 5 scariest tourist destinations in Southeast Asia

Human skulls in the killing fields of Cambodia.

Penang War Museum, Malaysia

Penang War Museum was also on the list of the 10 most terrifying places in Asia voted by Geographic Channel.

Hoa Lo is in the top 5 scariest tourist destinations in Southeast Asia

The museum is located on a hill haunted by the ghost of a Japanese soldier.

This place is a historical testament of World War II in Malaysia, proving the resilience of the islanders against the Japanese fascists.

Traces of tsunami in Thailand

On December 26, 2004, a tsunami swept through Indonesia and devastated Somalia in Africa.

Hoa Lo is in the top 5 scariest tourist destinations in Southeast Asia

The coast guard ship was swept deep inland by the tsunami.

The main memorial here is a coast guard ship in Khao Lak – a complex of fishing villages that suffered severe consequences from the tsunami.