213 countries and territories recorded 9,032,065 cases of infection and 469,527 deaths due to nCoV, an increase of 131,832 and 3,412 respectively compared to yesterday.

Medical staff take a nCoV test sample for a resident in Nanjing city, Jiangsu province, China, June 15.

The US, the largest epidemic region in the world, reported 2,354,527 cases of infection and 122,239 deaths, an increase of 25,837 and 286 cases respectively in the past 24 hours.

Officials in the southern states of the United States are warning about the increasing number of young people testing positive for nCoV.

Brazil, the second largest epidemic area in the world, reported an additional 17,304 cases of infection and 632 deaths, bringing the total to 1,084,883 and 50,608 respectively.

Researchers fear the actual number of deaths from Covid-19 in Brazil is being covered up, based on a lack of testing and a spike in excess deaths, meaning the number of deaths exceeds predictions.

Pressure from President Bolsonaro and public frustration after months of `social distancing` have prompted governors and mayors to lift restrictions on trade and other economic activity.

Similar to Brazil, the epidemic situation in other Latin American countries has not cooled down.

Mexico reported 175,202 cases of infection and 20,781 deaths, an increase of 4,717 and 387 respectively. Some industries in the country have resumed operations, while the northern border with the US remains closed at least until July 21.

Russia, the third largest epidemic region in the world, reported 109 more deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 8,111.

Moscow residents from June 9 will be allowed to freely go out and use public transportation.

Russia said that although the epidemic situation has cooled down and the number of new infections per day is gradually decreasing after reaching a record high of 11,656 on May 11, they are still preparing plans to deal with the scenario of a new wave of infections.

Britain reported an additional 1,221 cases and 43 deaths, bringing the total to 304,331 and 42,632 respectively.

The country is proceeding with a cautious reopening.

Spain recorded an additional 334 cases and one death, bringing the total to 293,352 and 28,323 respectively.

People are required to wear masks in public spaces, both indoors and outdoors, if they cannot keep a distance of 1.5 meters.

Italy recorded an additional 224 cases of infection and 24 deaths, bringing the total to 238,499 and 34,634 respectively.

Germany reported 359 more cases and one death, bringing the total to 191,575 and 8,962 respectively.

However, an outbreak at a slaughterhouse in North Rhine-Westphalia is raising concerns that a new blockade is needed.

In the Middle East, Iran recorded an additional 2,368 cases of infection, bringing the total to 204,952, of which 9,623 died, an increase of 116 cases compared to the previous day.

Iran’s Health Ministry spokeswoman Sima Sadat Lari warned that the numbers could get even worse if people refuse to stay home during the upcoming holiday.

Saudi Arabia recorded an additional 3,397 cases of infection and 37 deaths, bringing the total to 157,612 and 1,267 respectively.

In South Asia, India is the fourth largest epidemic area in the world with 426,7910 infections and 13,703 deaths, an increase of 15,183 and 426 respectively. The Indian health system is also preparing to face seasonal diseases such as

China reported 18 new infections, of which 9 were in Beijing, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 83,396, of which 4,634 deaths.

Indonesia is currently the largest epidemic area in Southeast Asia with 45,891 cases, an increase of 862 cases compared to yesterday, of which 2,465 people died, an increase of 36 cases.

Singapore recorded 42,095 cases of infection, an increase of 262, of which 26 died.

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and East Timor are countries in the region that have not recorded deaths from nCoV.