According to this real estate survey consulting unit, the savings rate for the first year of a working couple (salary 900 USD/month or more) is 10% of income.

This study analyzes that after 7 years of effort, a young family can save up to 800 million VND, of which from the third year onwards the savings rate increases by 20-50% compared to the first years.

The total home purchase cost estimates in this analysis include: property value, borrowing costs, opportunity costs, and net proceeds from the sale of the property.

According to CBRE’s survey, couples living in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi with stable income after 7 years of accumulation can buy 50% of the house.

Assuming that during this term, the borrower does not pay before the due date, the monthly payment for the loan (both principal and interest) is 9.6 million VND, the total loan cost for buying the apartment will be

CBRE also takes into account opportunity costs, which are calculated based on the benefits that would be earned if the downpayment was held in a fixed deposit account until the apartment was sold at the end of year 15.

This consulting unit commented that although house prices in Vietnam are often high compared to the average income of people and about 10 years ago house prices were considered sky-high, now the situation has improved.

The real estate market has slowed down in the past 8 years, real estate prices have been adjusted to softer levels.

Due to the influx of low-cost apartment projects in the past 2 years with affordable small apartments ranging from 500 – 800 USD/m², owning an apartment has become more feasible.