One day in November 2016, Mika Ruusunen (Finland) went out to check his mailbox as usual.

That is the Finnish Government’s announcement that from next year, he will receive a sum of money every month.

For 2 years, Ruusunen will receive 560 euros (about 670 USD) per month from the Government.

Mika Ruusunen is in a group of 2,000 people selected for testing.

The goal of this program is to replace current subsidies and save money, as the Finnish social welfare system is very complex and expensive.

`We assume that this policy can stimulate people through many different mechanisms. Therefore, we want to test whether this is true or not,` said Miska Simanainen – researcher at Kela – the organization

Finland ran the test from January 1, 2017 to the end of 2018. Official results will only be announced after the program ends.

`In fact, we have had to discuss this issue a lot, for several decades,` Simanainen said.

The idea of splitting money has become popular in recent years, thanks to public support from big names in Silicon Valley, such as Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg.

Finland’s goal is to keep the unemployed motivated to work, providing financial support even when they find work.

`Our idea is to test whether it can replace basic social benefits, at least unemployment benefits,` Simanainen said.

Mika Ruusunen was unemployed for 16 months before enrolling in a training course to work in the IT industry.

Ruusunen is now officially employed, but will stillĀ  receive money every month.

However, not all Finns support the program, especially if it encourages people to accept low wages.

He supports a universal basic income policy.

Ruusunen also agrees that testing should expand beyond the unemployed, to truly stick to the definition of universal basic income.

`I think that in about 100 years, people will consider basic income as normal. I’m very proud that Finland was one of the first countries to try it,` he said.