Depending on the time you can arrange, you can choose one of the 5 destinations below for your picnic.

Thu Duc Stork Garden

Located about 20 km from the city center, Thu Duc stork garden offers a rare green and peaceful space with pristine natural scenery and white storks in the sky.

Thu Duc stork garden.

From Thu Duc intersection, go towards Tang Nhon Phu, turn right along Nguyen Van Tang street to Go Cong intersection, continue to turn right, cross the bridge, follow a small dirt road about 800 m to reach the stork garden (away from the intersection).

Ho Chi Minh City Cultural Park (Tao Dan)

Located right in District 1 in the city center, Tao Dan is one of the parks chosen by many people as a place to organize picnics, training and exchanges.

Picnic spots to hide from the sun in Saigon

Green space at Tao Dan park.

From the City Theater area, it only takes visitors about 10 minutes by car to get here.

Cu Chi

Located farther from the city center (70 km) than many other picnic areas, but what is experienced in Cu Chi will certainly make many people not afraid of traveling far.

This is also an ideal place for families and schools to organize exchanges and camping sessions under cool forests for their children, thereby having hours of comfortable fun and improving history lessons.

Picnic spots to hide from the sun in Saigon

Cu Chi Tunnels.

You can take bus 13 from September 23 park or bus 74 from An Suong station and then take bus 79 to the tunnels.

Phu An Bamboo Village

About 35 km from Ho Chi Minh City, in Ben Cat district, Binh Duong province, Phu An bamboo village offers a unique green space, both strange and familiar to tourists.

This is an ideal space for families and schools to organize interesting folk games for children, and at the same time get closer to tools made from bamboo, beds, tables, chairs… If you are a human

Picnic spots to hide from the sun in Saigon

An Phu Bamboo Village.

From Ho Chi Minh City, you drive straight along Highway 13 toward Ben Cat, reach So Sao intersection, turn left, turn right at the first intersection.

Giang Dien Waterfall

In the hot air, finding a waterfall near the city will help you somewhat relieve the early season heat.

Picnic spots to hide from the sun in Saigon

Giang Dien Waterfall.

Entrance ticket price is 40,000 – 70,000 VND/adult, 30,000 – 60,000 VND/child, depending on holidays and days off.