`A very bad day, ending with the loss of YouTube channel,` Do Mixi, real name Phung Thanh Do, announced on his personal group on April 2.

This morning, this channel continued to broadcast live videos, the content was cut and cut from the interview video of the CEO of the project of the same name.

Mixi Gaming YouTube channel was renamed to a cryptocurrency project, photo taken on the morning of April 2.

Do Mixi said that despite the name change, the livestream about the project still had more than 90,000 views at 7:00 a.m. on April 2.

Mr. Pham Huy, representative of Metub – the unit that supports MixiGaming channel management, said he worked with YouTube on the morning of April 2 to help regain the channel.

According to him, the situation of hacking YouTube channels to livestream cryptocurrency often happens when the market is in an exciting period like today.

Quang Tu, representative of a social network service unit in Ho Chi Minh City, also said the main reason was due to the owner’s poor security.

According to Mr. Tu, if lucky, hackers will only hide Do Mixi’s old videos.

This is not the first time major YouTube channels in Vietnam have been taken over and livestreamed a digital currency project.

Some famous people such as Tran Thanh, Ho Quang Hieu, Lynklee, Ly Hai also had their channels hijacked and broadcast content about cryptocurrency.

Do Mixi, born in 1989, started working as a streamer in 2017 and quickly became a prominent name in Vietnam.