British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) will certainly cause huge economic and financial impacts for the EU.


Expert Adriano Bosoni commented that the Franco-German alliance has long been the cornerstone of EU solidarity, the driving force for the strength of the region’s institutions.

Historically, these two great powers have faced each other three times in wars from 1870 to 1945. The reconciliation of the two countries after World War II helped bring peace and created a foundation for integration for the entire world.

However, these two countries are not the only ones contributing to shaping the EU’s construction and integration process.

France and West Germany set two goals when forming the European Economic Community (EEC), the predecessor of the EU, in the 1950s. The first was to create a political-economic structure that would bring the two countries together.

Both countries have achieved what they set out to do.

For Britain, the relationship between London and the EU is more ambitious.

In the case of Britain’s involvement in European affairs, it is often to ensure a balance of power and ensure the safety of the country itself.

In addition, France wants Britain not to join the EEC due to concerns about granting membership to a country that the late President De Gaulle described as `an American Trojan horse in Europe`.

By the early 70s, when De Gaulle was no longer president of France, Paris and Berlin also realized the geopolitical importance of expanding EEC membership.

Break the balance of power

Brexit could disrupt the European balance of power

Supporters of Britain leaving the EU wave flags outside Downing Street in London after the referendum result.

But now, this balance will be disturbed when Britain leaves the EU.

The British factor’s departure from this `equation` will disrupt European arrangements.

Fredrik Reinfeldt, former Swedish prime minister, said the result of the `leave` vote `will weaken the EU and make the union unbalanced, even causing the EU to fall into the hands of far-right factions. Also France

Meanwhile, centrist politicians in Europe believe that Britain’s departure from the EU will cause Europe to return to a period of separate countries, which will increase the risk of conflicts.

Position decline

Furthermore, expert Bosoni said that Brexit also reduces the EU’s influence globally.

Germany and France recently called on the EU to deepen military and security relations.

As for France, Paris only accepts a leading role in defense within the EU framework, which is already very difficult in the context of member countries increasingly wanting independence from Brussels.

`The EU is suffering an attack at a time when it is struggling to escape a financial crisis, deal with an unprecedented flow of migrants and deal with a rising Russia. Chau

See more: Why do the British insist on breaking up with the EU.