David N. Bossie, deputy campaign manager of President Donald Trump in 2016 and former lead investigator in the US House of Representatives Government Oversight and Reform Committee under President Bill Clinton’s administration, admitted

Bossie believes that Trump this year will continue to win in Texas, Indiana and all states that traditionally support the Republican side, helping him get his first 163 electoral votes.

Bossie’s statement is more reliable when the survey results published by the Des Moines Register/Mediacom on October 31 showed that Trump is leading his opponent Joe Biden by 7 percentage points in the state of Iowa.

With repeated victories in these traditional states, plus support from Nebraska and Maine’s Second Congressional District, where the US President won in 2016, Trump is almost assured of 260 votes.

President Donald Trump at the campaign event in Dubuque, Iowa on November 1.

The remaining 10 electoral votes are expected to be decided in three battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Pennsylvania has 20 electoral votes, while Michigan has 16 votes and Wisconsin has 10 votes.

As a backup, Trump’s campaign is also actively campaigning in Minnesota, Nevada and New Hampshire, states he narrowly lost to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

`The lesson that 2020 teaches us is that anything can happen. Therefore, it would be wise to make every effort to defeat our opponents, as President Trump is doing with his campaign schedule.

Biden is leading Trump in many national and state-level surveys, but like Bossie, many experts say it is too early to talk about the Republican candidate’s defeat at this time.

`He still has a clear path to victory to be re-elected president,` said professor Wesley Widmaier, an American expert on international affairs at the Australian National University.

Professor Widmaier added that President Trump’s supporters have the right to be optimistic about a victory for their candidate.

According to surveys released two days before the election, Biden is leading Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Most experts see the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida and Arizona playing a decisive role in the election.

`If we see voters in the Florida Panhandle turn to Biden, that will be meaningful information,` he said, adding that `surveys should only be a reference model.`

Professor Widmaier said this year’s influx of new voters, Americans’ unprecedented voting enthusiasm and mail-in voting could be `variables` affecting the accuracy of polls.

Sharing the same opinion, Meghna Srinivas, a doctoral student at the School of Social Sciences at Monash University, in Australia, said that surveys in battleground states show that candidate Biden’s advantage is `very small`.

`Even though Biden seems to be ahead, Trump still has a chance in these states,` she said.

Experts say that the 2016 election is a clear demonstration of that statement.

Srinivas believes that 2016 polls underestimated President Trump’s `hidden` supporters.

More than 90 million Americans have voted early this year so far, far exceeding the number of 58 million in 2016. Many experts say that the unpredictability and variables of the US election can still help President Trump win again.