A representative of the Bac Giang Department of Health said the province is focusing on two parallel tasks: fighting the epidemic and ensuring economic development.

One of the processes to support businesses is to vaccinate workers against Covid-19.

Initially, Bac Giang was allocated 30,000 doses.

In addition, a mobile team of the Provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccinated workers in companies in industrial parks, large enterprises, or for frontline forces fighting the epidemic.

To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Health mobilized more than 300 students from Bach Mai Medical College to support injections, the Central Lung Hospital sent 20 doctors to participate in screening, and the Hanoi Department of Health

Vaccination for workers of Bac Giang Garment Company.

Regarding safety assurance, a representative of the Bac Giang Department of Health said that it has been implemented in accordance with the instructions in the Ministry of Health’s vaccination program.

In any case, after the examination, the conditions are met, they will be transferred to vaccination.

Cases showing signs of reaction to the vaccine after vaccination will be handled according to the regimen and professional guidance of the Ministry of Health.

Bac Giang focuses on speeding up the injection speed but must still put safety first.

Compared to the current number of workers in Bac Giang province, the 150,000 doses issued still cannot meet vaccination needs.

On June 5, the Ministry of Health decided to temporarily transfer 10,000 doses to the Bac Giang Provincial Center for Disease Control to continue vaccination deployment.

`This is a very good sign. We hope that in the near future the national vaccine program will continue to bring more vaccines to Bac Giang to ensure workers have immunity to Covid-19.`

Le Nga