Hash house harriers (abbreviated as H3, roughly translated as Association of Harassers) was founded in December 1938 by British and Spanish people who came to join the war and lived in Singapore and Malaysia.

In Vietnam, H3 first appeared in Hanoi in 1991, spreading to other provinces and cities such as Vung Tau, Can Tho, Da Nang and Lam Dong.

H3 members on the run.

Purpose of H3

The original purpose of Hash House Harrier when it was founded, recorded on the registration card in 1950, was to help improve physical health, avoid drinking alcohol on weekends and instead use other beneficial drinks such as beer.

In Vietnam, H3 was established so that members can relieve pressure in work and life;

Members with strange aliases

The association’s members include not only foreigners but also Vietnamese of all ages.

Participating in H3, each harasser has a different nickname and does not call each other by their real names.

Surprises every step of the way

Tourism harassment in Nha Trang

Unexpected landmark of the 37th run in Nha Trang.

The special thing about participating in H3 is that you don’t know where the destination is in advance, only the top members going to the advance station will know these secret spots.

On each journey, when the car arrives at secret locations, H3 members will have to follow the rule of `run and play`.

At H3, members are encouraged to express their individuality to the fullest.

Tourism harassment in Nha Trang

Stop for rest and cultural exchange.

Equipment for the trip

The trip is a picnic combined with sports, so simple clothes need to be prepared such as shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, and hats.

With costs ranging from 50,000 VND (Vietnamese), 100,000 VND (foreigners) for each Sunday weekend, you can experience traveling in Nha Trang in this new way.