In Vietnam, 2020 is considered the year of national digital transformation, which promotes organizations and businesses to deploy infrastructure, platforms, products and services to apply advanced technologies such as big data.

`A cybersecurity powerhouse is like a military power. The cybersecurity industry is like the defense industry. If Vietnam is prosperous in cyberspace, it must also know how to protect itself in cyberspace. The mission of safety is

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung.

According to the Minister, Vietnam currently owns 90% of the ecosystem of cybersecurity products serving Party and State agencies.

`Digital transformation is a universal and comprehensive work. Digital application will be universal. Therefore, ensuring network safety and security must also be universal,` said the head of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Viettel’s representative said that not being well prepared for information security leads to being hesitant and not daring to post information online.

Security for 5G

One of the important pillars of digital transformation is the development of national digital infrastructure, such as 5G broadband telecommunications infrastructure, fiber optic cables and cloud computing infrastructure.

5G networks provide low-latency connectivity for remote control of unmanned ground and air vehicles, robotics platforms, healthcare, and critical infrastructure, such as electricity, water, gas

`Therefore, any 5G carrier system problem that occurs can cause serious harm,` Mr. David Soldani, Huawei’s cybersecurity expert, advised.

5G is an indispensable technology in digital transformation.

According to Mr. Soldani, 5G security requires cooperation on standards, devices and deployment.

5 cloud platforms meet the standards

In order to accelerate the development of cloud platforms, from April, the Ministry of Information and Communications issued a set of criteria and technical indicators to evaluate cloud solutions.

Cyber ​​security - a key factor in digital transformation

Businesses receive cloud computing platform certification.

At the Information Security Day event, the Ministry of Information and Communications awarded certificates to the first 5 `Make in Vietnam` cloud platforms that meet information security requirements to serve e-government and e-government.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung, Chairman of VNISA Information Security Association, emphasized the importance of Make in Vietnam products.

Vietnam Information Security Day, VNISA’s annual event, this year was held in a live and online model, with more than 1,500 attendees.

Chau An