The girls selling eggs will be tested for their education level, height, blood type, or anything that can prove they have good genes.

According to a newly published report by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Committee, the victim was a female student at a technical school in the province who knew an employee of Bei Er Qi Yuan Science and Technology Company.

Her friends told her about the money she could earn if she sold eggs and this female student agreed to sell her eggs for $2,200 for one egg retrieval surgery.

However, three days later, she became seriously ill and had to be hospitalized for treatment.

This is the first criminal case stemming from an investigation by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission into the illegal human egg trade.

The female student said that she and three other girls were transported by truck to an apartment for surgery, the car door was covered with curtains so they did not know where they were being taken.

In June, a Chinese newspaper reported that egg brokers in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province, often lure `good-looking` and `highly educated` female university students to sell them.

According to a study four years ago by the Population Association of China, one in eight couples in mainland China are infertile, equivalent to 40 million people.

Chinese law prohibits medical organizations or doctors from engaging in the search and sale of sperm, eggs or surrogacy, but not other organizations, prompting efforts to curb the Chinese black market.

`Surrogacy organizations divide the service chain into many segments. Offices, egg collection places, laboratories, and surrogacy waiting places are all in different locations and managed by different staff,`