Cavani scolded referee Siebert after the Uruguay – Ghana match on December 2.

In the final round of Group H of the 2022 World Cup on December 2, Uruguay won 2-0 against Ghana thanks to Giorgian de Arrascaeta’s double, but it was not enough to compete for second in the group with South Korea – the team unexpectedly defeated Portugal 2-1 in the match.

After the match, Cavani punched the screen of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology while walking from the field to the dressing room.

`If I get fined for punching the VAR screen, FIFA must put the referee in jail for eliminating Uruguay from the 2022 World Cup,` Cavani said in an interview with El Larguero on Cadena Ser on the sidelines of the Spanish Super Cup in

In addition to Cavani, FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee also investigated the controversy and overreaction with the referee of the duo Diego Godin and Fernando Muslera.

According to Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo, the Uruguayan Football Federation (AUF) has hired Ariel Reck, Lionel Messi’s former lawyer, to defend Gimenez and his teammates.

Cavani admitted that he should not have punched the VAR screen and was worried about receiving a penalty, but wanted FIFA to verify the incident from the players’ perspective, not just the referee and bystanders.

Cavani: 'The referee who eliminated Uruguay from the World Cup deserves to go to jail'

Cavani knocked over the VAR screen at the 2022 World Cup

Cavani knocked over the VAR screen at the 2022 World Cup.

The Valencia striker also admitted that players must control their behavior, but sometimes react according to developments on the field and temporary emotions.

In the match against Ghana, the Uruguayan players were upset when the referees and VAR team did not blow a penalty when Cavani fell in the penalty area in the second minute of injury time.

After the match, striker Luis Suarez accused FIFA of forcing Uruguay at the 2022 World Cup and had to explain two situations of refusing to give Uruguay a penalty.