North Korea’s central news agency KCNA said the ballistic missile launch on September 15 was a test of a `new train missile system`, conducted by the railway missile regiment established earlier this year.

`This system is an effective response measure, capable of delivering many consecutive blows to forces that threaten the country,` said General Pak Jong-chon, member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Korean Workers’ Party.

The missile left the launch pad on a train in North Korea on September 15.

The published image shows a blue projectile launched from a train parked in a mountainous area.

It is unclear what types of missiles this train can launch.

`The railway missile force will help North Korea have more options to quickly disperse its forces, posing many challenges for the enemy’s detection and surveillance process. Tunnels across North Korea will also become

The train cars can leave the tunnel, fire their missiles and quickly retreat to the same position or maneuver to a new tunnel, making them very difficult to fight back.

North Korea is not the first country to develop train-launched ballistic missiles.

The US also repeatedly researched ICBM solutions placed on trains during the Cold War to increase the survivability of strategic nuclear forces.

The missile train helps North Korea deal with a preemptive strike

Ballistic missile launched from train in North Korea on September 15.

`Train-based missiles are a relatively cheap and reliable option for countries that want to increase the survivability of their nuclear forces. This is understandable for North Korea,` Adam Mount, an expert at

Experts believe that the train-launched system can use many different weapons, including missiles that are under development or have been put into service and can carry nuclear weapons.

However, some people believe that North Korea’s development of a large number of missile launch systems is unusual and could be detrimental to the country.

`This is not cost-effective, especially for a resource-constrained country like North Korea. It is also much more complex than a unified and streamlined force, based on the few