It has been 3 months since the end of the journey to explore the West Coast of America – the land of deserts and steppes – but the afterglow has not cooled down in the hearts of Mr. Vu Minh Tra (33 years old) and Ms. Tran Hai Yen (32 years old).

In a recent class, when the teacher asked `Where is the Statue of Liberty?`, little Hope quickly answered: America, while most of the students said Singapore.

Mr. Tra and Ms. Yen’s family live in Linh Duong Canyon (Antelope Canyon in Arizona, USA), where there must be Indians to guide tourists to enter.

Having studied abroad and worked for a foreign financial company before returning to Vietnam, Mr. Tra has a different perspective on life than the majority.

That’s why Mr. Tra and his wife have not bought a house yet, even though the couple’s income is more than 100 million VND per month.

`My family doesn’t spend too much time saving money to send our child to study abroad or go to an international school in the future. Instead, we try to experience as much as possible with our child because time has passed and we can’t get it back. Give your child experience so he can find it for himself.

Longing for the moments when the whole family could be separated from the current world for a long enough period of time, as soon as their two children were strong, they made the goal of exploring the world together.

The Hanoi family travels the world for a whole month every year

Mr. Tra and his wife and children at Crater Lake (Oregon state, USA) last March.

The first long trip started in May 2018, when Hope was 4 years old and Hip was 20 months old, the whole family decided to go around 9 European countries.

`The whole family discussed the schedule 3 months in advance. At each location, we will read reviews of each accommodation, how to eat, supermarkets, amusement parks… in as much detail as possible. Because we plan in advance, we should

Because I have young children, my schedule prioritizes the countryside and special experiences that are not available in Vietnam, such as Disneyland in France, watching snow fall in the middle of summer in Switzerland, watching swans in the Czech Republic… instead of checking

Mr. Tra also took his wife and children to revisit the Lake Como area (located in Italy and Switzerland) – where he went 10 years ago when he was an international student and was impressed by the extremely peaceful scenery.

The Hanoi family travels the world for a whole month every year

video instead

The tent in the Annency region (France) made the deepest impression on them during their two trips to Europe and America.

However, the deepest impression they had on this trip was when they stayed in a tent in the Annency region (France).

`In the late afternoon, golden sunshine spread across the forest, suddenly a cloud poured down, bringing with it a sudden rain. For dinner, the whole family grilled fragrant rabbit meat, served with bread. While my wife and children were sleeping, I sat by the fireplace and lit it.

This journey lasted 21 days, went through 9 countries, traveled 4,500 km and cost 180 million VND.

Immediately after returning home, the couple planned to explore America again in March 2019.

The Hanoi family travels the world for a whole month every year


Part of Mr. Tra’s family’s 34-day journey to explore America.

`We went through 7 US national parks, from the red rock valley of the Grand Canyon, the giant sequoia trees still standing from the age of dinosaurs, to the driest and hottest place on Earth in Death Valley.

As for Mr. Tra, after 2 trips traveling around Europe/America, his children have overcome their small challenges such as climbing 3 km without their parents carrying them, and quickly preparing their own clothes to sleep.

The Hanoi family travels the world for a whole month every year

Mr. Tra’s family in the Netherlands during their trip to Europe 2018. Photo: Tra Vu.

Tra’s family’s adventure has inspired many people.

As for Mr. Tra’s family, they have made a plan to go to Australia in 2020.