`No matter what happens, I don’t want to bring this disease back to Africa,` Kem Senou Pavel Daryl said at the university dormitory in Jingzhou, where Senou is being quarantined for 14 days after being cured.

When he started experiencing symptoms of fever, dry cough, and flu-like symptoms, Senou thought about when he was a child he had malaria in Cameroon.

He then spent 13 days in isolation at a hospital in Jingzhou with antibiotics and drugs specifically used for HIV patients.

He became the first African to be infected with nCoV and also the first to recover.

Kem Senou Pavel Daryl (left) takes a photo with a doctor at a hospital in Jingzhou city, Hubei province.

Egypt is the first country in Africa to record a case of coronavirus infection.

`I don’t want to go home before completing my studies. I think there’s no need to return to my hometown because all hospital fees are paid by the Chinese government,` Senou said.

Since the end of January, many governments around the world, led by the United States, have welcomed citizens from Wuhan and neighboring cities back home.

`We are Africans but the government there is not willing to come to our aid when we need them the most,` said Tisiliyani Salima, a student at Tongji Medical University and president of the Zambian student association in Wuhan.

Samila had to self-isolate for nearly a month.

She saw many international students in her class being taken out of the city, while her countrymen remained behind.

China is Africa’s largest trading partner and the relationship has grown strongly in recent years.

`Many people say ‘Don’t bring us back because Nigeria cannot handle this’. I feel very conflicted because at the end of the day we are also human beings. I would appreciate it if they realized that there are people

Last week, for the first time after 22 days of self-isolation, Angela had to venture out of her house to buy essentials when supplies ran low.

On January 30, the Cameroonian international student community in China wrote an open letter to the president to call on the government to take citizens away from the epidemic.

Sticking to Hubei because they don't want to bring nCoV to Africa

Kamohelo Taole, a South African student, at Hubei University in Wuhan city.

By mid-February, Egypt, Algeria, Mauritius, Morocco and Seychelles welcomed citizens leaving Hubei province.

Some countries have sent financial support to citizens.

Ghana has also sent financial support to people stranded in Wuhan.

Some have called for African countries to develop a continental strategy to help citizens in China.

As for Senoua, he has no plans to return to Cameroon.