Participating in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is truly an honor that any actor wishes to have.

According to these two actors, having to wear superhero costumes to film is really… `torture`, especially in the hot summer weather of Atlanta, Georgia.

Captain America: Civil War actors are miserable when wearing costumes

During the exchange in Los Angeles, the two actors playing The Vision and Black Panther had a short interview to share about their most funny and sad memories while filming.

`The editing of the outfit just goes on and on and they connect pieces here, then add this and that. And every time they add a detail to the outfit, I feel like ‘

Our Paul Bettany – The Vision also immediately agreed with his co-star and shared about his feelings when having to wear The Vision’s outfit.

Captain America: Civil War actors are miserable when wearing costumes

`On the first day, it wasn’t a big deal. On the second day, problems started to happen. On the third day, luckily nothing happened. And you wake up on the fourth day…

Not only that, Paul Bettany also shared that to play the role of The Vision well, he had to practice the character’s gestures a lot because our The Vision is a character with extremely high knowledge.

`Participating in this role, I have to act out Vision’s pensive, lost moments. And when I have to act like that, I try to think in my head about… my acting career, about the roles that

Captain America: Civil War actors are miserable when wearing costumes

Through the above sharing, we can see a bit of the difficulties that the actors in Captain America: Civil War had to go through when making this movie.